Making Societies Safer with DCAF and the OSCE
The Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) works to create safer societies by strengthening security sector reform and promoting human rights.
DCAF assists partner states, and international actors supporting these states, to improve the governance of their security sector through inclusive and participatory reforms based on international norms and good practice.
The Challenge
Enhancing policing skills for high-risk events
The Government of the Republic of Armenia asked DCAF and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to provide respected policing experts to design and deliver a series of workshops for the Police in Armenia.
The aim was to equip police leaders with new negotiation and communication skills for the protection of life and order during high-risk events and crisis situations.
The Solution
Interactive workshops and skill reinforcement through simultaneous interpretation
Working with DCAF and the OSCE, Guildhawk sourced three internationally recognised experts to deliver the workshops using a series of interactive teaching techniques. Meticulous planning and pre-defined learning outcomes ensured that the students were able to fully understand and then practice using the skills in a safe learning environment.
As Armenian was the first language of attendees, simultaneous interpreters were used to deliver sessions and to interpret for role plays which reinforced learning points in a real-life context.
The Result
Strengthening policing capabilities and real-world impact
The collaboration between DCAF, OSCE, and Guildhawk proved instrumental in addressing the challenges faced by the Government of the Republic of Armenia in enhancing the negotiation and communication skills of its police force. The outcomes of the initiative were profound, showcasing tangible improvements in operational settings.
Effective Skill Application in Real-Life Situations
Officers who participated in the workshops demonstrated the practical application of newly acquired negotiation and communication skills during a series of protests in Yerevan. The success of their interventions highlighted the immediate impact of the training on their ability to manage high-risk events and crisis situations.
Language-Integrated Learning
The inclusion of simultaneous interpreters facilitated seamless communication, ensuring that attendees, whose first language was Armenian, could fully grasp and apply the skills. The use of interpreters, particularly during role plays, provided a realistic context, reinforcing learning points and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the training.
Meticulous Planning and Defined Learning Outcomes
Guildhawk's commitment to meticulous planning and clearly defined learning outcomes played a pivotal role in the success of the workshops. The structured approach enabled participants to comprehend the skills thoroughly and practice them in a controlled and supportive learning environment.
Continued Support and Collaboration
Beyond the initial workshops, Guildhawk continued to collaborate with DCAF on other training and reform programs. This sustained partnership underscores the positive impact of the initiative and the ongoing commitment to strengthening security sector reform and promoting human rights in Armenia.
The formal opening of the workshop was recorded by the Police of the Republic of Armenia with an Armenian voice over and can be viewed here.