GAI Machine Translation

Automated translation powered by private AI

  • Self-service for your in-house teams
  • 10x faster, accurate and private
  • Automated Expert-in-the-Loop
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GAI machine translation

New generation AI  

Our machine translation solution, called GAI, is powered by the latest secure AI so you can translate text and documents into different languages in-house quickly, accurately, and easily. Your data is safe because we use ISO:27001 certified security controls. This means that concerns about online platforms sharing user’s sensitive data is not an issue with our AI-powered solution.

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GAI machine translation supports various document types (including PDF and PowerPoint), keeping the original formatting intact and saving it for you. Plus, there is the option to have translations automatically reviewed by a certified professional by using our Expert-in-the-Loop (EITL).

Translations generated through GAI are accurate because we train our models on our clean, high-quality, multilingual data. To make your results even better – and customised to your specific language – we can train a GAI engine for you using your verified datasets. It is also perfect for making your digital human avatars speak in many languages.

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secure online portal

Secure online portal

You can integrate GAI into your existing digital platform via an API. You can also access GAI using our secure online portal.

Our advanced technology and continuous learning model improve accuracy and speed over time, helping to future-proof your translations. That’s great news in any language.

Key features

accurate, private translation

Fast, accurate, private translation

3 people

Access to expert reviewers

Models trained on our high quality datasets

No minimum number of licenses

Up to 80% savings

Up to 80% savings on translation costs

API integration

API integration

Secure online portal

Secure online portal


E-learning content on business-critical security

MetaCompliance offers an exceptional security awareness training solution that effectively addresses ...

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Translation to maintain corporate culture across continents

Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure company and a market leader in data centres, Internet exchanges and ...

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Investigating international criminal activity

The City of London Police is responsible for protecting the United Kingdom’s financial, residential and historic cultural centre in the heart of London, known as the Square Mile.

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