+ 44 (0) 207 397 2770

Safe AI Translation

Developed by our experts for your experts

  • 10x faster, accurate and private
  • New automated Expert-in-the-Loop
  • AI trained on our clean high-quality multilingual data
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GAI machine translation

Up to 80% cost savings 

You can save up to 80% of the cost when you translate your content with our AI translation. Results are authentic so your documents and avatars look and sound amazing. Translation's generated are accurate because our models are trained on our clean, high quality data. Stories of AI generating results that are wrong and online platforms sharing sensitive data users submit, is not an issue for you with GAI. All  your data is protected by ironclad ISO:27001 certified security controls. Plus, GAI gives you the option to automate human verification of results with the first easy to use Expert-in-the-Loop (EITL) solution.  

Up to 10x faster translation 

Digital platforms do amazing things, the only problem is they don't do it well in multiple languages. As a result, users waste time cutting and pasting text into translation tools. This often creates inaccurate results and may reveal your data to 3rd parties. Now you can translate up to 10x faster by saying goodbye to old, manual translation workflows, and saying hello to GAI. The GAI software is remarkable because it translates text and documents in PDF, PowerPoint and other formats with ease. It also saves them for you. You can integrate GAI into your digital platforms via an API or use the secure portal. Best of all, it's secure. If you want your digital ecosystem to be multilingual, now you can do it quickly and easily. Learn more about how our technologies work in our FAQ pages

Digital Platforms

Save up to 80% when you automate translation with GAI

With GAI, your messages are translated instantly, accurately and privately. Experience faster turnaround times with our cutting-edge machine translation solution, automating workflows and accelerating your digital transformation.

Increase translation accuracy to 98%

98% Accuracy

Powered by our clean multilingual data lake, GAI ensures your messages are accurately translated, The result is crystal-clear communication and no misunderstandings.

10 x Faster turnaround times

10 x Faster turnaround

With GAI's advanced AI-driven technology, translation processes are 10x faster, so you meet tight deadlines and seize new business opportunities. Experience speed and quality.

80% Saving on translation costs

80% Cost savings

Put an end to exorbitant translation costs. GAI's efficient translation workflow processes and clean multilingual data lake can save you up to 80% on translation costs. That's great in any language.


What our Customers say about Guildhawk

“I thoroughly recommend Guildhawk for a first-class professional service. Their use of the finest linguists and exceptional management make them the leaders in their field.”

“Guildhawk are a reliable provider that are not only able to translate accurately and respond quickly, but have the industry’s most experienced translators working on specific documents. They are our preferred supplier for translation services.”

“We were full of praise for the two linguists Guildhawk provided for our meeting in St. Petersburg. Our thanks go to everyone for their hard work.”

“We really value Guildhawk as partners that help us succeed on delivering training across Europe.”

"We’re pleased to have partnered with Guildhawk to ensure translation into 18 different languages, and hope the revamped website will continue to support clients and organisations on their journey to resilience.”

“For me it is breathtaking, and I had my belief in your capability since day 1 of meeting Guildhawk. It is truly transformative and inspiring leading to connection with other cultures & different part of the world at almost 100% accuracy”.

Department for business & trde

“This is an exciting partnership between Gammon and Guildhawk which again demonstrates the interest in tech collaborations between the UK and Hong Kong,”

Gammon construction logo

"Guildhawk fits into our plans quite neatly because we are a multilingual city here and we can expand that into the Greater Bay Area. When that starts to open up, the opportunities are quite boundless."


“Sandvik Canada was provided the product we were promised, with quality and efficiency in mind. The quality of work was above and beyond our original expectations. We continue to work with Guildhawk and look forward to many more projects together”.


"The automation of content extraction and translation updates not only saved valuable time but also contributed to a substantial cost saving."


Frequently asked questions

Got questions about GAI?
Learn how our GAI can revolutionise your translation experience.

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The work we do

E-learning content on business-critical security

MetaCompliance offers an exceptional security awareness training solution that effectively addresses ...

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Translation to maintain corporate culture across continents

Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure company and a market leader in data centres, Internet exchanges and ...

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Investigating international criminal activity

The City of London Police is responsible for protecting the United Kingdom’s financial, residential and historic cultural centre in the heart of London, known as the Square Mile.

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