
Learn why multilingual data verified by certified humans is crucial to train safe AI



The Rise of AI in EHS: A New Frontier for Worker Safety and Well-being

In today's world of rapid technological advancements, the intersection of Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) and AI is proving to be a game-changer for both companies and workers. ...

3 min read

AI on Policing: How AI is Changing the Shape of Law Enforcement

Imagine a world where robots act as police officers, drones maintain public order, and sophisticated technology predicts and prevents crime. While this scenario might evoke images of science ...

3 min read

What is Private AI and its Role in Protecting Your Data

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, improving operational efficiency with disruptive solutions like learning new skills from a human avatar that speaks your language to ...

6 min read

Optimise Productivity: Unlock 30%+ Gains with Multilingual Tools

Imagine a thriving London coffee shop, where the aroma of freshly brewed tea harmonizes with the hum of diverse languages. An industrious entrepreneur, engrossed in her laptop, adeptly manoeuvres ...

3 min read

5 Big AI Translation Trends Set to Revolutionise the Industry in 2024

In the fast-evolving landscape of Generative AI, new digital humans and AI translation solutions will revolutionise digital ecosystems like never before. Let's delve into the five major trends ...

4 min read

ChatGPT security best practices: A comprehensive guide

Before using ChatGPT or any other AI tools, read this new safety guide. Discover the best practices for using ChatGPT safely and ensuring the security of your conversations. Learn how ...

6 min read

How do you guarantee ChatGPT translations are accurate?

“How to you guarantee ChatGPT responses are accurate?” To understand, we decided to ask ChatGPT a ...

5 min read

OpenAI: What could go wrong with GPT translations?

At a party on New Year’s Eve, a friend asked me, “Are you worried about what could go wrong with Chat GPT ...

3 min read

Can you trust ChatGPT to keep your data secure?

News from OpenAI that a bug allowed some users to see titles from another user’s chat history raises the question of whether this constitutes a data ...

6 min read